Agent Guide

Better usability of the Queues view with Context-Menu

With Agent Extensions, a lot of operations you would find in the issue view, can now be accessed via a Context-Menu from within the Queues view. This includes:

  • Workflow Transitions

  • Edit Issue

  • Assign Issue

  • Comment Issue

  • Combine Issue (feature of Agent Extensions)

Copy existing Queus that you have access to. To use this feature navigate to the queues menu. You will find the option Copy queue at the left side on the bottom. Here you can select: which project you want to copy the queue from and which queues you would like to copy.


"Customer Domain" custom field

Once the Domain custom field is configured, it'll appear in your issues as shown in the image, and you can use it to find users and issues from the same domain, by hovering and clicking the buttons in the popup.

Combine Issues

Using the Combine Issues functionality you can merge two issues from a single popup dialog. You can access it by clicking on the "More" tab in the operations bar in the issue view, and clicking on "Combine with issue" from the dropdown menu.

In the "Combine Issue" dialog you can configure the merge of issues in the following way:

  1. First of all, you'll want to select a destination issue

  2. Next, you, are able to define the copy options of the merge operation.
    This includes:

    1. Copying attachments from source issue to destination issue   

    2. Adding the description of the source issues as a comment in the destination issue

    3. Copying all comments from source issue to destination issue

    4. You can merge the worklog from the source issue to the destination issue. This will delete the worklog from source issues

  3. Then you'll be able to choose which resolutions and issue links you want to create

    1. You can select a transition for the current issue that you'd like to perform from the applied workflow scheme

    2. If the transition requires a resolution, the resolution field will also be visible, and will be required to continue the merge otherwise it's hidden

    3. Choose a link type to create between source and destination issues

  4. Finally, you can add a clarification to the action with a custom comment, or just leave the predefined one

  5. Click "Confirm" when you are satisfied with the configured options.

Marked in the image on the right you can see the Related Issues and Time Spent panels. The panels are both contextual, meaning that they will change based on which issue you are viewing. 

Domain Issues will be changed based on the Domain field and the Reporter Issues will be change based on who the Reporter is, and the same is valid for the Time Spent panel.

Let's take a closer look at the panels and their configurations separately, starting with the Time Spent panel.

Time Spent panel

The Time Spent panel, though small, contains a lot of information.The Time Spent panel will show time spent this week, this month and in total. In addition to that, hovering over each segment will also show total billed time based on Tempo.

If there is no Tempo Account linked to the current issue, the "On account" time spent filter will not be shown.

The related issues panel will show issues found based on certain criteria. By default, there are 4 tabs in the Related Isssues panel:

  • Similar Issues - shows issues with a summary similar to the issue you are currently looking at

  • Domain Issues - shows issues by users with the same domain part of their email address (uses Domain custom field)

  • Account Issues - shows issues linked to the same Tempo Account as the issues you are currently looking at

  • Reporter Issues - shows issues by the same reporter as the issue you are currently looking at

By clicking on each of those tabs, data will be loaded into the table. It will show at most 5 results, and to see more than 5 results, you can click on the "Show more" button which will open a new browser tab and also show the used JQL filter.

If you hover over an issue row in the table a "Merge Issue" button will appear which will allow you to merge the issue you are currently looking at with the one selected in the table.

If you want to add your own tabs, or hide or modify one of the default ones, you can do that in the Agent Extensions project configuration page.


The default option for comments will be Comment internally. If you select Share with customer you will get a pop-up asking you to confirm your action. This also works through the Queues menu.

This has to be configured by an admin in the project settings.